Hi Stephane,

<< What would be the best solution to get rid of the empty strings ? (or of
empty values of a block, be they string or of any type? Could you give me a
pointer to the explanation of this in the official doc ? >>

I don't know if this is the best solution, but it's nice and general:

remove-if: func [predicate blk args /local result keep-it][
    result: make block! length? blk
    repeat el blk [
        ; Have to use a temp variable here. "if" doesn't like "predicate :el
        ; inline and putting it in parens breaks the evaluation.
        keep-it: not predicate :el args
        if keep-it [append/only result :el]
    return result

>> remove-if :empty? ["" "A" "B" "" "C" "D" ""] none
== ["A" "B" "C" "D"]


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