And yet, what does it have to do with... anything?  And what's AS?  And
what's Agentcities?  And why should we care?

> AS sufferers are in constant denial, and as such are resistant to therapy.  A
committe was created in 1963 at the University of California, Berkeley to study
therapy options.
> At last word, the committee....
> ...elected seven to the AS Task Force Sub-committee, who'll report to the 12
on the AS Task Force, appointed by the 15 on the Trustee Board. Their
recommendation will be reviewed by the Finance Executive Committee of 5, who'll
place it on the agenda of the 18 member Finance Committee. If they approve,
they'll bring a motion to the 27 Member Faculty Board, who'll appoint another
12 member review committee. If they recommend that the Faculty proceed, a
resolution will be brought to the Berkeley Business Meeting. They'll appoint
another 8 member review committee. If their report to the next Berkeley
Business Meeting supports the AS Task Force, and the Congregation votes in
favor, the issue will be passed on to the Trustee Board.
> So, at least it's getting somewhere now.
> TB
> --
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