Hi, Laplace,

I guess I don't understand the problem you're trying to solve.

laplace wrote:
> ... I want to do something like this ...:
> generic_function: make function ['function_name]
> [
>     print function_name
> ]
> func1: make function! [
>     instruction11 instruction12
>     generic_function [name of self]
>     instruction13
> ]
> func2: make function! [
>     generic_function [name of self]
>     instruction21
> ]
> ...
> func10: make function! [
>     instruction31
>     generic_function [name of self]
> ]

First of all, let's remember that to REBOL the expression

    someword: func [] [print "Hi, Mom!"]

first creates a FUNCTION! value, and then simply sets the
(arbitrarily-named) word SOMEWORD to refer to that FUNCTION!
value.  It's a one-way arrow.

It is just as meaningless to talk about "the name of a function"
as it is to talk about "the color of a string" or "the mother
of an integer".

In the example you offer, GENERIC_FUNCTION is simply printing
whatever value you supply as its argument.  That being the
case, you can pass it a string which contains a human-readable
message, without worrying about which word was used to access
the calling function.  For example:

    >> generic_function: func [s [string!]] [print s]
    >> func1: func [] [
    [    ;do other stuff
    [    generic_function "Larry"
    [    ;do more other stuff
    [    ]
    >> func2: func [] [
    [    ;do other stuff
    [    generic_function "Curly"
    [    ;do more other stuff
    [    ]
    >> func3: func [] [
    [    ;do other stuff
    [    generic_function "Moe"
    [    ;do more other stuff
    [    ]

Now you can get the behavior that you seem to want...

    >> func1
    >> func2
    >> func3

... where invoking any of those functions causes the "generic"
action to print a message.  However, this approach lets you
know *WHICH*FUNCTION* was invoked, regardess of how we got to
that function value, as follows:

    >> first-function: :func1
    >> second-function: :func2
    >> third-function: :func3

Now there are three additional words that refer to *THE*SAME*
function values that we created earlier, but accessing them
through these new references doesn't change the identity of
each function.

    >> first-function
    >> second-function
    >> third-function

We can also create and use references to the functions without
the need for words that refer to them individually.

    >> block-o-funcs: reduce [:func1 :func2 :func3]
    == [func [][
            generic_function "Larry"
        ] func [][
            generic_function "Curly"
        ] func [][

Now the same function values are in a block, which we can
traverse to use the functions inside it.

    >> foreach funcref block-o-funcs [funcref]

We can store references to functions in other arbitrarily
complicated structures:

    >> look-up-table: []
    == []
    >> foo: tail block-o-funcs
    == []
    >> for char #"C" #"A" -1 [
    [    foo: back foo
    [    append look-up-table reduce [char first foo]
    [    ]
    == [#"C" func [][
            generic_function "Moe"
        ] #"B" func [][
            generic_function "Curly"
        ] #"A" func [][

... and then retrieve and evaluate the *SAME* functions.

    >> for letter #"A" #"C" 1 [do select look-up-table letter]

When we say "functions are first-class values in REBOL" we
mean that they can be stored, retrieved, created, passed as
arguments to functions, returned as values from functions,...
in short, can be used as any other data type.

This is A Good Thing, not a limitation, but it does require
us to think about them a little differently than we do for
more limited languages.

> If I don't have a "name of self" for function, each time I
> add a new function to call generic function, it is in the
> code of generic function that I would have to test the name
> of the function with a more or less gigantic number of test
> instructions:
> generic_function: make function ['function_name]
> [
>     if function_name = "func1"
>     [
>     instruction11
>     instruction12
>     print function_name
>     instruction13
>     ]
>     if function_name = "func2"
>     [
>     print function_name
>     instruction21
>     ]
> ]

This appears to be different from your original description,
in that you're now embedding the behavior of what were the
different functions into a single "master function" and
letting its argument control which sub-expressions to
evaluate.  There are lots of ways to do something like this
second example, as others have pointed out.  You could
also use refinements...

    generic_function: func [/type1 /type2 /type2 ...] [
        if type1 [...]
        if type2 [...]
        if type3 [...]

But this appears to be a step backwards.  The Right Thing To
Do is factor out the common, parameterizable behavior into
its own identity, then use it with appropriate parameter(s)
as needed.

Hope this helps!


; Joel Neely                             joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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