Hello All,

Has anyone ever been able to open several ethernet addresses
on the localmachine running 3 ethernetcards (thus 3 addresses)
(I did not even try to test with my Aliases yet..)

I have 3 ethernet cards:
NE0: inside1
NE1: outside
NE3: inside2

server: open tcp:// does not work
server: open tcp://inside1:8000  does not work
server: open tcp://inside2:8000  does not work
server: open tcp://outside:8000  works fine
server: open tcp://:8000         works fine ( = outside )

Normaly i should think to be able to bind to any of the known
ethernetcards/addresses available on localhost. ( Works fine 
within tck/tk or perl...) But im not sure Rebol/core detects them??
(could be a bug , could even be me, could be a feature ;-)

Any information is welcome..

(R)egards, Norman

-- dinner/conversation: "How do you eat your Rebol in the morning?"

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