Hi, I have the following problem and don't know what's the best way to solve it:

- I use a list that has three columns all of type text.
- There are some actions attached to the text faces.

Now I want to insert some rows into my list that use a different row layout. An
image and a text. The problem is that the list style takes one 'layout block and
this one can either be for the text rows or the image row. What know?

I see the following possibilities (disadvantages marked with -, advantages
marked with +)

1. I use one list style with a container like a box and use the box/pane to
insert a single face I build a priori.
+ simple pattern for list style
- need to simulate the 'supply thing of a list where all columns get triggered
- need to create one layouted face that can be inserted into the pane
- need to handle positioning and sizing myself

2. I use one list for the text rows and create single faces for the image rows.
The image rows are than positioned as a layer over the list (at the position
where a image row is placed, the text list will have an empty line) faking the
one-list imagination.
+ simpler to programm
- syncing list scrolling might be tedious

3. Use the following list layout: image text text text and decided within the
'supply function if an image is needed or not. If not I can hide the face (?) or
set the size to 0x0.
+ consistent with list style
- context depending code within gui code
- tricky to understand

What do you think about the three possibilities? Did I miss some other
possibility? Robert

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