OOo yes..well... I probably misinterpreted some functions :-) But my goal was to check loops for speed... There are 2 surpricingly strange outcomes below... have a look...your input!/output! is welcome.. ********************************************************************* Timers on simple functions no complex element structures. Output to sdtout Tested on a 486 66 Mhz 32 Mb running core: n: 100000 doloop: func [ n [integer!] ] [ start: now/time/precise loop n [ prin "." ] end: now/time/precise print [ total: end - start ] ] * Time loop: 0:01:33.52935 doforeach: func [ n [ integer!] ] [ dots: array/initial n "." start: now/time/precise foreach dot dots [ prin dots ] end: now/time/precise print [ total: end - start ] ] * Time foreach: over 60 minutes !!!!!!!!! (wont even finish untill now :) (Also: The above func eats OS resources like a milky bar!!!..dammmmm...) doforall: func [ n [integer!] ] [ dots: array/initial n "." start: now/time/precise forall dots [ prin first dots ] end: now/time/precise print [ total: end - start ] ] * Time forall: 0:04:43.023292 doforskip: func [ n [integer!] ] [ dots: array/initial n "." start: now/time/precise forskip dots 1 [ prin first dots ] end: now/time/precise print [ total: end - start ] ] * Time forskip: 0:04:13.541465 dowhile: func [ n [integer!] ] [ x: 0 start: now/time/precise while [ x <= n ] [ [ prin "." ] x: x + 1 ] end: now/time/precise print [ total: end - start ] ] * Time while: 0:00:04.03787 dosort1: func [ n [integer!] ] [ dots: array/initial n "." start: now/time/precise sort [ prin first dots ] end: now/time/precise print [ total: end - start ] ] * Time sort1: 0:00:01.417908 dosort2: func [ n [integer!] ] [ dots: array/initial n (to-char random(256)) start: now/time/precise sort [ prin first dots ] end: now/time/precise print [ total: end - start ] ] * Time sort2: 0:00:00.978082 (Why is this quicker then sort1 ????, dont be fooled by random!!!) dorepeat: func [ n [integer!] ] [ start: now/time/precise repeat cnt n [ prin "." ] end: now/time/precise print [ total: end - start ] ] * Time repeat: 0:01:44.671599 And finaly.. print now/time/precise array/initial 100000 "." print now/time/precise * Time Array/initial: 0:00:00.317948 (R), Norman. -- dinner/conversation: "How do you eat your Rebol in the morning?" -- To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the subject, without the quotes.