Hi Romano,

Hi Ladislav, looking at your

    sim-make-object!: function [
        {MAKE OBJECT! simulation}
        spec [block!]
    ] [set-words object sw] [
        ; find all set-words in SPEC
        set-words: copy []
        parse spec [
            any [
                copy sw set-word! (append set-words sw) |
        ; create  a blank object
        object: blank-object set-words
        ; set 'self in object to refer to the object
        object/self: object
        ; bind the SPEC to the blank object
        spec: bind spec in object 'self
        do spec
        ; return the value of 'self as the result
        get/any in object 'self

I think it needs a correction:

    do spec

must become

    make object! spec

No, I think, that my code works. (Test it, please, and let me know if
anything doesn't work as it should).


or, to simulate only its side effects:

 catch [loop 1 [do does spec]]


Why do you suggest this form? (I never wrote code looking like that - loop 1
or catch are unusual for me in this case)


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