Hello Carl,

Wednesday, May 08, 2002, 9:19:23 PM, you wrote:

CS> The Webby Awards, the leading international honors for Web sites, today
CS> nominated REBOL for a Webby Award in the category of Technical
CS> Achievement of 2002.  (Google and Sony also nominated.) 

:-))) Seems to be strange:
Google 6 posts
Rebol 27 posts

but in the result:

Google 67%
Rebol 13%

cheers Oldes

error in file:   
  line 43:  Can't set vote because user already voted in this category! 
context:   ...   
39:  $existingSiteID = $cursor->fetchrow(); 
40:  $cursor->finish(); 
42:  if ($existingSiteID) { 
43:  die qq|Can't set vote because user already voted in this category!|; 
44:  return; 
45:  } 
46:  #if ($existingSiteID) { 
47:  # $sql = <<EOSQL; 
component stack:   /www.webbyawards.com/www/peoplesvoice/comps/setVote
code stack:   
debug info:   Debug file is '/var/www/vh/mason/debug/anon/14'. 

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