Hello rebol-list,

  I just found the new local-request-file native function in the new
  Rebol/View/IOS and I have to say it's nice.

  here is what I found as parameters looking at 'request-file function
  and 'req-file object:

local-request-file reduce [
        "Select a File:"        ;Window title
        "Select"                ;????
        %/m/                    ;from which folder
        []                      ;picked files
        ["All files" "Rebol"]   ;filter names
        [["*"]["*.r" "*.rb"]]   ;filter file extensions
        false                   ;if true -> return only a single file, not a block.
        false                   ;if true -> request file for saving, otherwise loading.

Can someone from RT explain for what is the second string used for?

BTW: When we will be able to change/hide icons for our windows? I
don't know like other people but sometimes I think I have too many
"R"ed icons in my taskbar and visible part is just "REBOL -..." or less:-(

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