
Im not quite sure what your searching for? Server performance on 
HTML commands? of protocol speed? or even rebol read speed? 


>I tried it myself, but my results didn`t quite jive. They were much slower
>than expected. I believe  it was because i was reading the pages. I think a
>better methodology would be to send a request for a page but not to process
>it. Instead of trying to spawn new processes inside of REBOL I did an shell
>script to repeatly call REBOL on the command line with a script. I`m willing
>to work with you to develop a better way. Anyone else got a better idea ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "jose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 10:58 AM
Subject: [REBOL] client script to measure server performance: ideas ?

> What I would like to do is to spawn multiple rebol
> processes that try to read a page from a local Apache
> server.
> If I can control the number of processes to spawn
> using "launch" and measure the response time of each
> read then I could measure the server's response time
> as a function of the number of simultaneous reads.
> Does anybody have any ideas or experience using launch
> ?
> What is the launch/link url for ?
> Thanks
> Jose

-- dinner/conversation: "How do you eat your Rebol in the morning?"
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