Hi Jason, Ammon,

Ammon Johnson wrote:
> Hi again,
>       Yes, there are times when the SOURCE hides things from you...
>>>source make
> make: native [
>     "Constructs and returns a new value."
>     type [any-type!] "The datatype or example value."
>     spec [any-type!] "The attributes of the new value."
> ]
>       You see MAKE is a Native!  It isn't done in REBOL code, but rather in the 
> language REBOL is written in (C?) so SOURCE couldn't tell you if it wanted 
> to.   Other than that, SOURCE will hide nothing from you.  Use the SOURCE, 
> Luke!  The SOURCE will not fail you... ;-)

Unless it does, of course ...

    >> a: make object! [ blk: [ print "HI" ] set 'f func [][ do blk ]]
    >> f
    >> source f
    f: func [][do blk]
    >> blk
    ** Script Error: blk has no value
    ** Near: blk

This is an artificial example, of course, but it is not that uncommon 
that critical parts of a function are hidden in an object!. Especially 
once you start with /View.

That said, 'source is always worth a try.

Kind regards,


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