Hello jose,

Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 12:42:35 AM, you wrote:

j> I´ve compressed a text file first with REBOL's
j> compress 
j> write/binary %file.comp compress read/binary %file
j> and then with the gzip utility and found out that the
j> files only differ by a few bytes.

j> If I look at the binary stream it looks like that
j> except for a few bytes at the beginning the rest is
j> the same.

j> Can anybody shed some light on this ? It would be
j> useful to have compatibility with gzip

j> Thanks
j> Jose

great... why I never tried this test... I was using zlib function from
PHP in my Rebol/Flash dialect but the Rebol compress function IS
gzip compression...

>> print to-string zlib/decompress compress "gzip-test"

there are just 4 bytes on the end that means length of the
string (I think that may be ignored):

>> print to-string zlib/decompress head remove/part tail compress "gzip-test" -4

Rebol'sdecompress is working as well:
>> decompress zlib/compress "gzip-test"
== "gzip-test"

I really don't know why RT didn't said that sooner... when I was asking
them in the feedback some time ago why there is no gzip compression
when Rebol can save PNG files, there was no reply from them:-(

never mind... now I can be independent on the PHP...

good work Jose

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