Hello All!

I am looking to add native printing support to my REBOL applications for 
Windows, but I am running into a problem with the library component of 
View/Pro.  Here's the story:

The following has C source code for sending raw data to a printer on Windows.


Converting it to View/Pro was going well until I hit the OpenPrinter routine!.

Here's a transcript of my efforts:

 >> gdi32: load/library %gdi32.dll
 >> startdoc: make routine! ["Start Document" hdc [string!] docinfo 
[struct! [cbsize [int] lpszdocname [string!] lpszoutput [string!] 
lpszdatatype [string!] fwtype [int]]] return: [int]] gdi32 "StartDocA"

;So far, so good...

 >> openprinter: make routine! ["Open Printer" pprintername [string!] 
phprinter [string!] pdefault [string!] return: [integer!]] gdi32 "OpenPrinterA"
** Access Error: Cannot open OpenPrinterA
** Near: openprinter: make routine! ["Open Printer" pprintername [string!] 
phprinter [string!] pdefault [string!] return: [integer!]] gdi32

OK, maybe OpenPrinterA is not the correct name, let's see:

 >> gdi32: read %/c/windows/system/gdi32.dll
 >> find gdi32 "OpenPrinter"

"OpenPrinterA" is the correct name...AARGH!  What's the deal?

Anyone have any ideas on this?  Am I overlooking something?

I'm planning to release the REBOL Windows printer functionality to the 
community once it is working because dumping raw data to LPT1: isn't 
usually the most desirable method of printing.  My plans are to get the raw 
printing through GDI working first, and then making it more like the 
integrated printing features in Windows complete with bitmap printing 
support, etc.  The URL listed above has complete details on how to do this 
(in C).

Anyone willing to work with me on this project will be welcomed 

Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
Lechnowsky Technical Consulting
REBOL/IOS Value Added Reseller
Specializing in solutions using REBOL

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