I think it should be faster this way, too,
although it may not matter.
sort will have to rearrange less items after
unique has removed some.
I don't think unique would work any faster on
data that's already sorted, though I could be wrong.
Not a big issue for me at the moment.. :)


> Hi Carl,
> > > If you need your series sorted, it is probably better to sort after
> > > the Unique. This way you don't need to hope that Unique keeps the
> > > sorting intact.
> >
> > >    sort unique [ "a" "b" "b" "c" "d" "e" "e" ]
> >
> > Hmmm.  Are there cases where unique can change the order, as well as
> > stripping out duplicates?
> I don't really know, I haven't tested for it. But even if it is stable in
> this version it could perhaps change in later versions and 
> because the help
> for Unique does not suggest otherwise, I figure a bit of defensive
> programming is warranted.
> My habit is to think: "if I need it like that -  then I should 
> ensure it is
> like that".
> Regards,
> Brett.

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