Hi, please have a look at this code and try it out:


rebol []

rule1: [start: copy string1 [to " - " (?? string1) | to newline] copy
string2 to end]
rule2: [start: copy string1 [to " - " (?? string1) 3 skip | to newline]
copy string2 to end]

text: "this is a - parsing test"

parse/all text rule1

?? string1
?? string2

print "-----"

parse/all text rule2

?? string1
?? String2


>> do %parsing-error.r
string1: "this is a - "
string1: "this is a"
string2: " - parsing test"
string1: "this is a"
string1: "this is a - "
string2: "parsing test"
== "parsing test"

I find some things very strange here:

- Why does string1 contain " - " when printed from inside
  the rule? The rule states 'to and not 'thru? IMO string1
  should be "this is a"
- After the parsing string1 holds what I did expect in the
  first place too. This indicates that the varaibles input
  gets copied to will be changed after the parsing. But when and how?

- This time the string1 is as expected inside the rule but
  changes to include the to " - " sequence after the parsing

Any idea what's up here? Is this a bug? Robert

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