
comment [ ; for Jason only
When you store some REBOL code into a vanilla snip, look out for {}'s
in the original code, as these are valid string delimiters in REBOL
but special characters in vanilla.

Use my original code as posted on the mailing list as you've one of
these "escpaing mistakes" in the file you attached to your last mail.


In your example, tmp-post will look like the following:

   MAX_SIZE: "100000"
   description: "describe me"
   filename: make object! [
             filename: "E:\FLASH\jasonMX\buddha.jpg"
             type: "image/pjpeg"
             content: {JFIFHH File ....}

you'd probably use it as follows:

  cgi-obj: construct tmp-post

or if you use some older rebol

  cgi-obj: make object! tmp-post

and then access the filename of the uploaded file via


or you could write the content to a file

  write/binary %somefile.jpg cgi-obj/filename/content

all of these should work :) good luck! :)

Friday, August 30, 2002, 2:04:01 PM, Jason wrote:

> -----------------------------7d22e4fe68
> Content-Disposition: form-data; name"MAX_SIZE"

> 100000
> -----------------------------7d22e4fe68
> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="description"

> describe me
> -----------------------------7d22e4fe68
> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="filename";
> filename="E:\FLASH\jasonMX\buddha.jpg"
> Content-Type: image/pjpeg

>   JFIFHH File written by Adobe Photoshop 5.2  .........etc etc
> etc............

> Q2: How to I access the tmp-post object? For example the filename or
> description?

> Q3: How to save just the image contents as a jpeg file, and link it
> for display.

Best regards,
 Andreas                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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