Hi List,

>   Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Indeed.  Probably  the  best  option is REBOL/Faces,
> >since it will
> >lack VID etc. and will only have raw faces to play with.

----- Replied Message -----
From: "Graham Chiu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 6:03 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Introducing REBOL/Base - FAQ

> At present the other suggestions don't convey the message
> to the uninitiated that this is a cut down offering like ...

I must agree with this pov, since like everybody I always want to limit the search for 
what is the meaning of some new product when
I can do something more obvious, that is reuse some old good scheme/name that already 

This is why I agree with other suggestions already done or suggest some myself that go 
in this way :

Since the original product are named respectively : REBOL/Core and REBOL/View

Why don't we simply use them like adding some prefix or suffix to them (like Light or 
Base) instead of reinventing the wheel. this
could give us some easy to remember and short things to use ( for refs. too if we only 
keep the initials) :

So the use of any of the following suggested names for the new REBOL/Core diminutive 
(even instead of REBOL/Base)  would be better
for me :

    REBOL/LightCore    (REBOL/LC) or
 *  REBOL/CoreLight    (REBOL/CL) or    * preferred for myself but looks like some 
commercial ad for
    =============                                    the "Coors Light"  Beer sold here 
in Canada. Huh!
    REBOL/BaseCore    (REBOL/BC) or
    REBOL/CoreBase    (REBOL/CB) or     * another acceptable alternative...

 *  REBOL/SmallCore   (REBOL/SV) or      * another of my preferred - retained for 
consistency matter with
    =============                                      the following /SmallView one.
    REBOL/CoreSmall   (REBOL/CS)

or in an ultimate renaming try may be I could find "REBOL/Native" as acceptable as is 
the new REBOL/Base
appellation suggested by Carl.                               ==========

And the same vein, the use of any of the following suggested names for the new 
REBOL/View diminutive would be better for me :
    REBOL/LightView  (REBOL/LV) or
*  REBOL/ViewLight  (REBOL/VL) or     * not my preferred one but retained for 
consistency matter with
    =============                                   the above /CoreLight one.
    REBOL/BaseView  (REBOL/BV) or
    REBOL/ViewBase  (REBOL/VB) or     * an acceptable alternative but this time it 
looks like another add for
                                                                     the Microsoft's 
VB concurrent . Huh! Huh!
*   REBOL/SmallView (REBOL/SV) or      * preferred for myself but looks like some 
commercial ad for another
    =============                                    VISUAL something contender
    REBOL/ViewSmall (REBOL/VS)          * not my preferred one but retained for 
consistency matter with
                                                                    the above 
/CoreLight one.

or in an ultimate renaming try may be I could find "REBOL/NativeView" or the suggested 
name of REBOL/Faces

as acceptables ones to me.   but final choice is Carl's privilege I think !

Sorry for the lengthy process ...


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