Jason Cunliffe wrote:
> Time to factor out and simplify the mess...

Here are some simplification strategies:

-  use default values, which can trigger default behaviors
-  use FUNC/RETURN to manage "premature" exits
-  use long strings
-  avoid large in-line literals
-  avoid use-once variables
-  eliminate dead code

    The phrase

        foo: either error? [foo: expression] [defaultvalue] [foo]

    ensures that FOO will either be the result of a successful
evaluation or
    will be the specified default value, as in

        foo: either error? try [foo: 1 / a] [0] [foo]

    which will result in FOO containing zero if there's a problem,
such as
    an undefined word

        >> a
        ** Script Error: a has no value
        ** Near: a
        >> foo: either error? try [foo: 1 / a] [0] [foo]
        == 0

    or an invalid divisor

        >> a: 0                                         
        == 0
        >> foo: either error? try [foo: 1 / a] [0] [foo]
        == 0

    but will give the desired result if the TRYed expression

        >> a: .5                                        
        == 0.5
        >> foo: either error? try [foo: 1 / a] [0] [foo]
        == 2


Now let's apply them in one of many possible ways.
(In-line comments followed by sketch of simplified version.)

> ;====================================
> ;====================================
> upass: copy ""
> loginstatus: false
> either error? try [
>     ;condition
>     upass:  cgi-obj/userpass
> ][
>     ;error
>     if = upass "" [
>         print rejoin [
>             {<b>Bad login!</b>}
>             {no user password provided  }
>             {<a href="upload.html">}{try again}{</a>}
>             {<br>}
>         ]
>     ]
>     quit

It appears that QUIT really means "I've finished assembling my reply

The following IF expression appears to be dead code, as it follows
a QUIT inside the error branch.

>     if <> upass "" [
>         print rejoin [
>            {funny password provided. Please }
>            {<a href="upload.html">}{try again}{</a>}
>            {<br>}
>         ]
>     ]

Could error on fetching password be treated identically with
missing password?

> ][
>     ; ok user has submitted a name and password
>     ; check to see if they match
>     upass:  cgi-obj/userpass
>     either = upass logindict/:uname
>         [loginstatus: true]
>         [loginstatus: false]

The above EITHER expression is just a round-about way of saying

      loginstatus: upass = logindict/:uname

>     if not loginstatus [

... but if this is the only use, why use up a name?

>         ;trouble in paradise - help them out..
>         print rejoin [
>             {<br>Username and password do not match. <br>Please }
>             {<a href="upload.html">}{try again}{</a>}
>             {<form method="POST" action="echo-login.r" enctype="multipart/form-data">
>             <i>Forgot your login or need to register ? <br>
>             Please enter your email address here: </i>
>             <input type="text" name="email_address" value=""/>
>             <input type="submit" value="send login by email"/>
>             </form>}
>         ]
>         quit
>     ]
> ]

One approach for using the above hints would look like this:


blah_blah_cgi: make object! [

    ;; all chunks of message text go here:
    ;;     (embedded whitespace disappears unless wrapped in

    ;; parameterize messages with common structure

    msg_retry_missing: func [what [string!]] [
        rejoin [
            {<b>Bad login!</b> no } what { provided.<br />
             <a href="upload.html">try again</a>.<br />}

    msg_bad_password: {<br>Username and password do not match.<br />
        Please <a href="upload.html">try again</a><br />
       <form method="POST" action="echo-login.r"
           <i>Forgot your login or need to register?<br />
           Please enter your email address here: </i><br />
           <input type="text" name="email_address" value=""/><br />
           <input type="submit" value="send login by email"/>

    msg_blah_blah: {...}

    ;; process form content, return string

    form_results: func [
        a_user [string!] ;; form userID or default (empty string)
        a_pass [string!] ;; form passwd or default (empty string)
        ...              ;; other form data
        /local vpass     ;; valid password for a_user
        if empty? a_pass [return msg_retry_mising "user password"]
        if empty? a_name [return msg_retry_mising "user name"]
        if any [
            empty? vpass:
                either error? [vpass: logindict/:a_name] [none]
            vpass <> upass
            return msg_bad_password
    ;;  now process validated form content, and return appropriate

    run: func [] [
        print form_results
            either error? [upass: cgi-obj/userpass] [""] [upass]
            either error? [upass: cgi-obj/username] [""] [upass]



Here are a few benefits:

-  All of the "boilerplate" messages are grouped together in the
   making it easier to find them, make changes, check for consistent
   wording, etc...
-  Separating the management of CGI parameter values/defauts from
   processing FUNC makes it easier to build a test harness that
   FORM_RESULTS with a variety of test args and verifies that the
   string is appropriate for those args.
-  Wrapping everything in an object makes it easier to comment out
   single last line (evaluating the RUN method) so that you can DO
   file in an interactive environment and test the various methods. 
   everything is kosher, just uncomment the RUN line at the end.

This could be made more sophisticated (e.g. use explicitly
DEFAULT_PASSWORD , and other "magic" values, instead of assuming
strings), but I hope this is a start in the/a right direction.


When a great many people are unable to find work, unemployment
                                                  -- Calvin Coolidge
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