Hi, Dick,

I guess you're using a later version of REBOL than I have...

    >> ? average
    No information on average (word has no value)


My point was that we use FOR or FOREACH to process array/block
precisely because both directly express iteration; for a chosen
structure of a problem, I think that it *is* a good thing for the
and the algorithm to reflect compatible structures, all else equal.


> total: 0.0
> foreach grade gradeblock [total: total + grade]
> average: total / length? gradelist
> than the (commonly used when the "structured programming" issue was
> first
> unleashed on the world) more primitive
> 100 let t = 0
> 110 let i = 1
> 120 if g(i) = -1 then 160
> 130 let t = t + g(i)
> l40 let i = i + 1
> 150 goto 120
> 160 let a = t / i
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I prefer:
>        Average expressionwhichyieldsanarrayofdata

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.
                                                  -- John F. Kennedy
joel dot neely at fedex FIX PUNCTUATION dot com
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