Robert M. Münch wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 12:33:29 +1000, Anton Rolls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>>Use SAME?
>>a: b: [123]
>>same? a b
>>;== true
> Hi, ahhh forgot about this one. Rebol just has to many words to remember 
> ;-) But this doesn't seem to work for nested blocks:
>>>a: [a 1 b 2]
> == [a 1 b 2]
>>>b: [a 1 b 2]
> == [a 1 b 2]
>>>same? a b
> == false
>>>d: reduce [a b]
> == [[a 1 b 2] [a 1 b 2]]
>>>e: reduce [a b]
> == [[a 1 b 2] [a 1 b 2]]
>>>same? d e
> == false
> So I tink for nested structures we would need something like a same?/deep. 
> Robert

But it _works_ those two blocks are not the same ...

 >> append d 1
== [[a 1 b 2] [a 1 b 2] 1]
 >> e
== [[a 1 b 2] [a 1 b 2]]

on the other hand ...

 >> same? d/1 e/1
== true
 >> append d/1 1
== [a 1 b 2 1]
 >> d
== [[a 1 b 2 1] [a 1 b 2] 1]
 >> e
== [[a 1 b 2 1] [a 1 b 2]]

Kind regards,


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