

I recently updated my Command to the latest version..

With it came an updated version of Command View (which I use often).


Now.. when starting Command-View, it initiates to the console and NOT
the desktop.

Even though I have set the prefs.r - desktop: true .


The location of the files.

C:\rebol\command\  --->   rebcmd.exe, rebcmdview.exe, prefs.r,    ..


I have also gone through the entire registry (windows) and ensured that
all Rebol keys point to the c:\rebol\command\ directory.


Am I missing something?




John W. Inman Jr.

Network Administrator

University of West Florida

"Science like nature, must also be tamed

 with a view towards its preservation.

 Given the same integrity, it will surely serve us well."

 Neil Peart.



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