> In the errors handling document, I think you
>  should set people to use
>   set/any 'error try 
>  rather than
>   error: try 
>  because in some cases the second one leads to another
>  error. For a beginner that would be frustrating.
>  eg:
>  >> error: try [print ""]
>  ** Script Error: error needs a value
>  ** Near: error: try [print ""]
>  print returns an unset!, so there is nothing to
>  set error to, and a new error is generated.

For an error block that might not return a value, I simply put a 'true at the 
end to make sure it does:

if error? error-code: try [do %config.r true]
    [probe disarm error-code]

if error? error-code: try [print "" true]
    [probe disarm error-code]

That assumes, of course, that not returning a value is a good thing,


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