Hi, Anton...

Anton Rolls wrote:

> I can see you are going to ask us to
> generalize it later so it can do integers
> higher than 8.

Since Gregg has already partially debagged the cat, I'll admit that
I have some generalizations in mind, but not that particular one ;-)

> I think for this set of numbers 12 is the
> only sum you will get, but just to be clear,
> shouldn't it be: "it's a magic square because
> each row and column sum to the same number" ?

Yes, but only because a square is a rectangle with the same height
and width...


A rectangular display of numbers with R rows and C columns contains
R*C cells.  The simplest way to fill those cells with distinct values
is to use the first R*C natural numbers, such that 0 <= n < R*C.  The
sum of all of the values is then

     (+i : 0 <= i < R*C : i) = R*C * (R*C - 1) / 2

Adding the requirement that all row totals be equal tells us that the
row total must be the grand total divided by the number of rows, so

     all row totals = R * C * (R * C - 1) / 2 / R
                    = C * (R * C - 1) / 2

and likewise

     all col totals = R * C * (R * C - 1) / 2 / C
                    = R * (R * C - 1) / 2

so that e.g. for a 3 x 5 "simple magic" rectangle,

     grand total    = 3 * 5 * (3 * 5 - 1) / 2
                    = 15 * 14 / 2
                    = 15 * 7
                    = 105

     all row totals = 105 / 3 = 35

     all col totals = 105 / 5 = 21

and, of course, if R and C are equal, the magic row and col totals
will be equal (so e.g. for the 3 x 3 case, 9 * 8 / 2 / 3 = 12).

If I wanted to be sneaky, I'd ask how many magic rectangles there are
with 99 rows and 100 columns!


HINT AHEAD -- Don't read if you want to solve it on your own steam!


Since there are 362880 ways to arrange 9 distinct values, the key
issue is to do something more economical than simply generating all
possible permutations, checking each one for magicness.


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