When proposing RT-style-marks i meant not only indentation,
but names, style of modularisation and such too. 
Start with Carls scripts as typical and mark such which are
styled similar.
Its not meant to be a dogma, but to get a "typical use".
So if i where in doubt about
zipzap: func[str][]
zipzap: func[str[string!]][]
i could read some RT-style-examples and see in wich cases Carl adds 
argument-types. or how he does error-handling. or something.

I think everyone can have its own style. But peoples searching style should 
learn it from RT-examples first. and have some help to decide "is it RT or 
not?" so the flag.


Am Dienstag, 11. November 2003 18:41 schrieb Ladislav Mecir:
> Hi Andrew,
> >Volker wrote (in another thread):
> >>Hmm, eventually rebol.org could mark RT-style-scripts so people can
> >
> >look up "official" examples when in doubt?
> >
> >Perhaps this could be a declaration in the header? For example:
> >             Style: 'Rebol-Official
> >
> >People who prefer different styles could then propose different style
> >standards which they think might be better or just different, like:
> >             Style: 'Cobol-Like
> >             Style: 'Natural
> >             Style: none
> >             Style: Andrew   ; :)
> >
> >After all, with out variation in style, how can it improve?
> >
> >What do people think?
> Sorry, I don't like this idea.
> -L

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