Hi, Andrew,

A J Martin wrote:
> Anton wrote:
>>Watch out though, each item in chickenfarm is the same chicken object:
> Yes! You've found a bug in 'array!

It's not a bug, since AFAIK there's no published specification
that says ARRAY should behave any differently than it does.
We've seen this issue before, in connection with other reference
types, as in

   >> foo: "Hi!"
   == "Hi!"
   >> gorp: array/initial 10 foo
   == ["Hi!" "Hi!" "Hi!" "Hi!" "Hi!" "Hi!" "Hi!" "Hi!" "Hi!" "Hi!"]
   >> foo/2: #"a"
   == "Ha!"
   >> gorp
   == ["Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!"]

Given the available documentation for ARRAY:

   >> ? array
       ARRAY size /initial value

        Makes and initializes a series of a given size.
        ARRAY is a function value.

        size -- Size or block of sizes for each dimension
        (Type: integer block)

        /initial -- Specify an initial value for all elements
            value -- Initial value (Type: any)

it is consistent that the (single!) initial value is uses for all


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