Dr. J. J. "One Eyed CrackerJack" Harbaugh 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:35 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Object lesson, please?

> 1. you can do this:
>  >> original: context [a: 1 b: 2]
>  >> template: context [a: b: c: none]
>  >> probe changed: make template original

Thanks, Gabriele. The one thing I hadn't thought of trying was context
-- the 
word had slipped from my mental context.

I had to change the code around as context takes a block, not an
object -- 
hence the the "content third xxx" to grab the block inside the object.

But even then a simple conversion of the code didn't work -- I ended
up with 
inner objects still being cloned.

I've had to do a copy/deep of the originals to break the cloning.
almost as unsatisfactory as the original code.  Here's the latest
version, with a 
simpler set of test data:

;;========== the function ==========
Rebol []
update-object: func [obj [object!]
                        template [object!]

    obj-copy: make object! copy/deep third obj
    template-copy: make object! copy/deep third template

 foreach field next first template-copy
    ;; add a field if it doesn't exist
     if  error? try [obj-copy/:field]
             obj-copy: context  join third obj-copy
                     [to-set-word field  template-copy/:field]
    ;; recurse adding fields if field is an object
    if object? template-copy/:field
         obj-copy: context  join  third obj-copy
                  [to-set-word field update-object obj-copy/:field 
    ] ;; for

return obj-copy     ;; no more do mold !

] ;; func

;; ========== Some test data data ==========

original-object: make object! []
template: make object! [a: make object! [b: 1]]
new-object1: update-object original-object template
new-object2: update-object original-object new-object1

print "status messages follow -- all say true if it's worked" print
not same? new-object1/a template/a print not same? new-object1/a
new-object2/a print equal? mold new-object1 mold new-object2


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