Hi Bruno/Carlos,

Here is another text-area scroll demo ....

rebol [
    Title: "Area with scroller"
    Author: "Phhil Bevan"
    Date: 10-Dec-2003
    Version 0.0.1

pos-scroll: func [tx sl /local tsize ts-max tmp] [
    tsize: size-text tx
    either tsize/y <= tx/size/y 
    [sl/redrag 1 sl/data: 0]
        sl/redrag tx/size/y / tsize/y       
        ts-max: tsize/y - tx/size/y
        tmp: min 1 (- tx/para/scroll/y / ts-max)
        if all [sl/data = 1 tmp = 1] [tmp: 0.999]
        sl/data: tmp
    show sl

lv-lay: layout [
    space 0
    tx: area 400x200 feel [
        engage: func [face action event] [
            ctx-text/edit/engage face action event
            if all [event/type = 'key] [pos-scroll tx sl]
    sl: scroller 16x200 [scroll-para tx sl]

pos-scroll tx sl ; set original size
view lv-lay


Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> Bruno,
> I remember last time I asked here just the same
> and unfortunately I got only one reply from the list
> that didn't solve the problem at all.
> I still need to get the path to get this this "auto-move"
> you mentioned so in case you have a clue write me pls
> um abraço
> Carlos Lorenz
> Em Seg 08 Dez 2003 18:30, Bruno G. Albuquerque escreveu:
> > Hello.
> >
> > By know I learned how to use scroll bars in text areas to scroll the text
> > inside it (vertically and horizontally). Now I need the scroll bars to
> > auto-move to represent the current position being displayed in the text
> > view when I use the cursor keys to move around the text. I also need to
> > know how to scroll  the text area to a specific text position (like scroll
> > to top and scroll to bottom).
> >
> > Any help will be apreciated.
> >
> > -Bruno
> -- 
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