Hi all,

Does anyone know why I had to insert the ugly line
        if all [sl/data = 1 tmp = 1] [tmp: 0.999]
in this code.

if this line is commented out then even though the scroller data is set to 1 and the 
face shown, the dagger in the scroller is not moved to the bottom?

To see this, comment out the above line in the code below, run the program and keep 
adding new lines until the area scrolls.  You see that the dagger gets smaller but in 
not moved to the bottom even though sc/data is set to 1.

Below is the previous code but with some comments indicating what is going on.


rebol [
    title: "Area with scroller"
    author: "Phil Bevan"
    date: 10-Dec-2003
    version 0.0.2

pos-scroll: func [tx sc /local tsize ts-max tmp] [
    tsize: size-text tx                                  ; calculate size of text
    either tsize/y <= tx/size/y                          ; is text is smaller 
    [sc/redrag 1 sc/data: 0]                             ; set dagger to 1, slider 
data to 0
        sc/redrag tx/size/y / tsize/y                    ; set dagger size  = (area y 
size)/(text y size)
        show sc
        ts-max: tsize/y - tx/size/y                      ; ts-max =  
        tmp: min 1 (- tx/para/scroll/y / ts-max)         ; calculate slider position
        if all [sc/data = 1 tmp = 1] [tmp: 0.999]        ; ugly patch ???
        sc/data: tmp                                     ; set slider poition
    show sc                                              ; show scroller

lv-lay: layout [
    space 0
    tx: area 400x200 feel [ 
        engage: func [face action event] [
            ctx-text/edit/engage face action event
            if all [event/type = 'key] [pos-scroll tx scrl]
    scrl: scroller 16x200 [scroll-para tx scrl]

pos-scroll tx scrl                                       ; set initial dagger size
view lv-lay


Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> Use a newer View beta. I think you are using
> View 1.2.1 to test this ?
> It requires scroller style, which is only available
> in view betas newer than 1.2.1
> Anton.
> > Phil,
> > Am I supposed to initiate words tx and ls first?
> > Here I got an error
> > Carlos
> >

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