Hi.  I sent this reply off promptly, but I was unable to send to the
rebol list without a subscription.  I hope that, before I am flooded
with further chiding for how silly I was five years ago, you will read
the below and not Cc me about this.

And yes, I don't think I would say something like that now, though I
still do not favor rebol.


----- Forwarded message from Julian Squires <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 15:11:34 -0500
From: Julian Squires <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Joel Neely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rot13
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i


On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 01:56:20PM -0600, Joel Neely wrote:
> First, thank you for the effort you've put into the ROT13 page
> at:
>     http://www.miranda.org/~jkominek/rot13/
> With respect to your page on REBOL:
>     http://www.miranda.org/~jkominek/rot13/rebol/rot13.r
> and especially with respect to the "Note to others..."
> I suggest that it is unfair to condemn a programming language on
> the strength of an overly complicated, poorly-written function by
> someone who is clearly unfamiliar with the language.  I can think
> of several ways to write the rot13 conversion in a much more
> natural-to-REBOL style.

FWIW, we've gotten this mail a number of times, over a number of years.
Fine; submit your significantly nicer implementation and remove the foul
stain from your language's honor.

This was written at a time that rebol was going through a serious
hypefest, so I wanted to check it out.  Perhaps I gave it insufficient
consideration before judgement; fair enough.  Looking back on my
implementation, it looks pretty hideous.

> Again, thanks for the comparisons, and I hope to offer the above
> comments in the spirit of assistance, not negativism!

Yep, and I appreciate you taking that attitude, considering the affront
to your MFTL.  I just ask these two things: (and I keep the Cc to
rebol-list for this reason, as you aren't the first...)

1) Stop emailing me.  I don't care.  I evaluated rebol again later,
having learned more about similar languages, but I find ruby more
suiting to my personal preferences.  Email Jay, he maintains the page.
(I know he's included in the Cc:)

2) Submit a full implementation, rather than providing hints on a good
implementation.  I'm sure that Jay will happily put your implementation
first on the page, change the description of mine to ``a clumsy
implementation'', or whatever you like.

Cheers.  (hoping to never have to hear about this again, and hoping to
meet people under friendlier circumstances than language wars.)

Julian Squires

----- End forwarded message -----

Julian Squires
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