Hi Stan

> .  Are mail list threads determined only by the subject?  In other words,
>  can I add my two cents to an existing topic just by typing in the correct
>  subject?  Or do I have to reply to an existing email?  Does Re: matter in
>  the subject?

I'm pretty sure it's just done on the text string.  So you don't have to 
reply to a specific email.

>  2.  I would like to combine my own "dictionary" code with suggestions made
>  in the recent thread about dictionaries/hash tables.  I am guessing the
>  result will be a screen-full of code.  I then would value input from people
>  like you to help refine it further.  Is this mailing list a good place to 
>  back and forth on a screen-full of code?  Are there other places?

Here works well.

Also try out the Altme REBOL world
(Get Altme from safeworlds.com and then visit the REBOL world as user guest, 
password guest).

Once you have some code you are happy with, consider publishing it in the 
Script Library -- REBOL.org

>  3.  Is there a wiki for Rebol?  (Not the engine/source code, but a site I
>  can visit?)  Specifically, I am looking for a place to read about and post
>  Rebol Idioms. 

Try Graham's Vanilla wiki:

Enjoy playing some more with REBOL,

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