Hi Maryjane,

This document on www.rebol.com helped me with mouse clicks.  Maybe someone
else knows about popping up menus...
        go to:                  www.rebol.com
        on the left side under: language
        choose:                 documents
        under:                  Other Resources...
        choose:                 How-To Tutorials
        choose:                 How to Handle User Interface Events
        look at:                        sections 5, 5.1, 6, 6.1, 6.2

Stan Silver

-----Original Message-----
Defiant Mail
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 8:51 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Right Mouse Actions

Hi, how would one go about creating right mouse functions.

For example, I click the right mouse button in my program and it brings up a
cut copy paste menu?

If someone could point me to any documentation, tutorials or examples where
it has been implemented I would be very grateful.

Thanx in advance...

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