Hi Jason,

JC> Q1. I am looking for a program that I think was called "rmoock.r", an XML
JC> socket server in Rebol based on Colin Moock's original java work for flash,
JC> which has now grwon into to commercial app called "Unity"

I searched for "rmoock" on REBOL.org and found this:


JC> Q2. Also where is Maarten Koopmen's rugby?

You'll find older versions at REBOL.org. I think the latest is still
available at http://www.koopgoedkoop.net/rugby.zip. Maarten has
stopped development--last I heard--but someone else could pick it up
if they wanted.

JC> Q3. Is http://rebol.org now the prime up-to-date script library site
JC> replacing http://www.reboltech.com/library/library.html ?

I believe so, but some people may still be using the reboltech library
for their scripts as well. Not sure.

-- Gregg                         

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