On 05-Jan-04, Anthony Morford wrote:

> i am just beginning working with rebol. and i know
> very little of programming. im sure that taking a
> rebol workshop would make understanding it alot easier
> but i decide to go the cheaper, more personal, route -
> reading the manual. ive read it once through and still
> lack the understanding to make a successful program
> without reffering to the book every two minutes. is
> reading the manual the best way to acquire a deeper
> understand of rebol on one's own? or are there other
> ways to understand the fundimentals of rebol while
> learning all of its simple code variations?

Out of interest, which REBOL book have you read?  I find the
REBOL/Core User's Guide is the one I turn to for help first.

As others have said, get used to using the REBOL Console to test your
ideas before adding them to your script.  A simple example...

>> foreach [a b c][1 2 3 4 5 6][print a]
>> foreach [a b c][1 2 3 4 5 6][print b]
>> foreach [a b c][1 2 3 4 5 6][print [a b]]
1 2
4 5

And use its search ability for when you think there should be a word
that does what you want but you haven't memorized it yet.  ie, while
the following just gives you info on a word...

     ? clear       

placing the word in speachmarks gives you a list of words you might be

    ? "clear"

In this case it found these words...

     clear          (action)
     clear-fields   (function)

and perhaps clear-fields would be what you were after, but if not, try
something else - "remove" perhaps, and so on.

> should i begin with a different programming language
> if im just beginning or should i do more research on
> the fundimentals of programming itself?

I would think REBOL's a good language to begin programming with, but
like most people on this list I came to it after using a variety of
other languages.  (Maybe someone for which REBOL was their first
language would like to comment?)

I'd say do your research into programming alongside actually trying to
write programs.  One will give insights into the other.  And there's
no better encouragement than to actually write a program that's of
use to you or others.

Carl Read

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