Hallvard, what a curious problem? Why?

I think the way to go is using the sort
comparator function as I showed before.
The two elements to be compared at each
step are put into the arguments, here, 'a and 'b.

        sort/compare blk func [a b][either a/4/3 = #"c" [1][-1]]

This moves blocks with the third character of the string
equalling character #"c" nextward, and others backward.
So after that you are guaranteed all the "c" elements are
at the end.
Next, I think you should write a loop, that redistributes
these "c" blocks amongst the others as best it can. So the
final result might look like

        [c n c n c n c n n n n ...]

(Where c = "c"-blocks, and n = non-"c" blocks)

You might be able to do all this in the sort
comparator function somehow, but it's not obvious
to me.
How much does speed matter?


> Dixit Joel Neely (03.06 04.01.2004):
> >How about this:
> >
> >     >> random [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
> >     == [8 9 3 4 2 1 7 6 0 5]
> Ah, of course. I didn't think about the fact that 'random takes 
> anything as an argument...
> >Can you provide a little more detail on your requirements?
> Yes. Especially since I have nested blocks. I have a block with, 
> say 10 blocks inside it. Each block has many different data types 
> within it (but only one element matters). I want to unsort them 
> so that _part of_  the fourth element (a string) is not identical 
> in adjacent blocks. So this is what I want to avoid (not real example):
> example: [[4 1 7 "nicsrg" 5 6 3 8 2 9] [3 1 2 "sicrtg" 9 8 4 7 6 
> 5] [9 3 7 "iscgtn" 6 2 8 5 4 1] [1 3 8 "inctrg" 5 2 9 4 6 7] [9 6 
> 5 "ngsirt" 8 2 1 3 7 4] [3 7 8 "igtnrs" 4 1 2 9 5 6] [6 4 8 
> "gnrsit" 2 3 9 1 5 7] [9 5 4 "sntgir" 6 7 8 2 1 3] [6 7 4 
> "gstinr" 1 5 2 3 9 8] [7 9 2 "sgcnit" 5 1 8 3 6 4]]
> In the first four blocks, the third character in the fourth 
> element is #"c". I want these four blocks split apart. Getting at 
> the character in question is easy (foreach b example [print pick 
> fourth b 3]), but unsorting the blocks from there?
> Any help appreciated
> HY

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