> But I will take a paragraph to explain Carl's approach to HTML. ..snip
> There are limitations in both of our approaches, but at least we both have > some solid reasoning behind our strategies. Thanks for the context and your thoughts. I really do appreciate that Carl has *much* better things to than futz with any html. I respect him enormously no matter I agree or not. But with his skills I'd like to think that 1 hour or less could transform that page into something much more useful for many people. And rebol.org is a terrific resource and going definitely in the healthy direction. thank you. Cross-browser html is a nightmare and an expensive time-sink for about 10 years now. However I also remember c.1995 how one could embed non-formatting tags in html to do cool things. CSS is a good way to go. The tragedy of so many current presentation technologies is how they throw away the valuable semantic data that has been put in at *the source* when it is much easier to filter for presentation. I'd argue that benefit of adding even a few tags easily justifies the number of people possibly lost by that. But as you point out any of us with skill and time could take a sample AltME session block and parse up intelligently , then submit to Carl.S Relatively, Rebol's web presence is weak and its community small so time is very precious, but so too is the need for wider access to encourage new users and web visitors. I guess the irony is that rebol is really an alternative information space from the web, yet could benefit much more from it. cheers - Jason -- To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe as the subject.