i Bran,

I also thought about addind some COM interface for REBOL to be used instead of 
Javascript as the scripting language for IE but my
programming knowledge was falling short too soon. Sorry about that but life is like 

I also asked myself how could be added a MySql protocol to REBOL without using the 
external call mechanism of the PRO versions of
REBOL and why we couldn't do the same about IE but again this is exceeding my actal 

But I think you are in a good idea to explore this avenue. May be someone more 
experienced can explain us SIMPLY what has to be done
and if this can be done what we need to get as information to start with.

I also remember when IE could launch REBOL scripts and it was very spectacular to me. 
I know a lot of apps that could use this
approach to help promote the use of or at least the interest about REBOL ...


----- Original Message -----
From: "bryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 5:38 AM
Subject: [REBOL] extending IE with Rebol was RE: Re: Easy-Vid

> >It might just be a question of patents.  Maybe MS has patented loading
> of >scripts on web pages or something else obscenely vague.
> Well no actually Microsoft got sued by eolas:
> http://www.betanews.com/article.php3?sid=1065601616
> The desire to have some sort of way of plugging rebol more closely into
> Windows, especially the protocol architecture as handled via IE, was the
> reason for the asynchronous pluggable protocol article:
> http://www.devx.com/webdev/Article/17120
> The rebol example in there is pretty trivial (not to mention being
> spaghetti code), but I was hoping that others would have some ideas as
> to how such a protocol should actually work.
> If one of the things one wants is to just load .r files the protocol can
> be used to pass info as to the location of that .r file and then load
> it.
> Last night I actually started doing a useful script to run when I call
> reb:// 'addresses', I decided to have it have the structure
> Reb://password=skjuiquig&gobject=window&oid=1576&oname=IEXPLORE.EXE&load
> =myscript.r&exec=loadwindow http://www.rebol.com
> A password would be obligatory, this way the script can keep track of
> links authored locally, and those passed external to the system.
> Depending on what the password and security settings are it would allow
> one to do specific things.
> The gobject parameter refers to various objects recognized by the script
> that allows it to lock into the system. An object referencing window
> tells you that the script wants to do something to a specific window.
> Oid tells you the pid of the object passed (not necessary for each
> object)
> Oname tells you the image name of the object passed.
> Load tells you what scripts to load, probably should be a list.
> And exec tells you what code to execute.
> In the example link above I'm thinking that the link tells the script to
> get the window from which it was called, and to load that window with
> the address www.rebol.com to be able to do stuff like pass an actual
> windows id from IE, I'm extending the right click context menu, so
> unfortunately it can't be 100% rebol.
> Anyway, the scenario given above might not be the best way to do things,
> and it may not be what people want. So other suggestions would be
> welcome.
> --
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