Thank you Gregg, this is my answer !
Alain. > > Hi Alain, > > AG> I needed something to evaluate a function on ALL elements of a > AG> block, and keep ALL the results (in a block), so I did these. > AG> Can this be useful, or is there a better way ? And also better > AG> names ? > > Looks kind of like MAP to me. > > map: func [fn blk args /local result][ > result: copy [] > repeat el blk [append/only result fn :el args] > result > ] > > >> map :odd? [1 3 5 7 9 12] none > == [true true true true true false] > > You might also look for old discussions here on the COLLECT functions > some people have done. > > -- Gregg > > -- > To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe as the subject. > > -- To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe as the subject.