On Thu, 8 Jan 2004 12:19:19 EST, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I have a question about the " Script Error: xxx has no value" problem.
>>  I have seen that there's no way to trap such an error, which is not a
>>  syntax one.
>>  'value? does not work, nor does 'error?.
> Maybe I misunderstand your question. But I can, and regularly do, capture
> such errors:
>>> xxx
> ** Script Error: xxx has no value
> ** Near: xxx
>>> if error? capture-error: try [xxx] [print mold disarm capture-error]
> make object! [
>     code: 300
>     type: 'script
>     id: 'no-value
>     arg1: 'xxx
>     arg2: none
>     arg3: none
>     near: [xxx]
>     where: none
> ]
> Sunanda

Sh*t... should have a better look at TFM! 574 pages and I still can't 
understand the basis of the language!! 8(

I'm finding Rebol more challeging than any ASM I've tried... here usual 
programming logic seems to be messed up...

I'll try later with my head shakered... next I'll knock it against the 
edge of the desktop... and if still does not work I'll start using heavy 
drugs... maybe that way everything will be clearer...

Thanks everyone.

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