On 13-Jan-04, Gerard Cote wrote:

> You were right Ashley,

> REBOL needs at least 3 components.
> I never tried before but it seemed to be so natural ...
> in fact REBOL fooled me this time but I will remember the lesson
> Next time I will try before submitting my answer!

> Regards,
> Gerard

Actually, you were right to say you can force a 2 component tuple
Gerard, as while this doesn't work...

>> t: to-tuple 1.1
** Script Error: Invalid argument: 1.1
** Where: to-tuple
** Near: to tuple! :value

this does...

>> t: to-tuple "1.1" 
== 1.1.0

and despite the third number displayed there, it is a two component

>> length? t
== 2

>> t/1
== 1
>> t/2
== 1
>> t/3
== none

As you say - test first - and keep testing till you get the answer you
want. ;)

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ashley Trüter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 8:12 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: Tuples versus Deciamls

>>> Is, for example, 1.1 a tuple or a decimal?

>> Decimal, a tuple must have at least three components. Perhaps
>> pair! is what you want? ;)

>> Regards,

>> Ashley

Carl Read

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