Sunanda et al Sac> 256 bits isn't enough for a bit-per-day for a whole year. We need Sac> two bitmaps.
You can do it with one. bitset: make bitset! 368 loop 200 [insert bitset random 367] s: copy "" repeat i 368 [append s to integer! find bitset i - 1] print s available?: func [bitset len] [ mark: 1 count: 0 repeat i subtract length? bitset 1 [ either find bitset i [ count: count + 1 if count >= len [return mark] ][mark: i + 2 count: 0] ; The + 2 accounts for bitsets having a 0 base ; and the mark being set to the next bit. ] ] repeat i 6 [print available? bitset i] -- Gregg -- To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe as the subject.