Gabriele Santilli wrote:

>Hi Maxim,
>On Friday, January 23, 2004, 12:41:40 AM, you wrote:
>MOA> as far as I know, we cannot change the title of a
>MOA> window while the window is open.
>REBOL/View 3-Aug-2002
>Copyright 2000-2002 REBOL Technologies.  All rights reserved.
>REBOL is a trademark of REBOL Technologies. WWW.REBOL.COM
>Type DESKTOP or SET-USER for settings.
>>>win: view/new/title layout [text "Hello, World! This is just a test."] "Hi"
>>>win/text: "Changed" win/changes: 'text show win
>   Gabriele.

Ah well, I put it into tracker. Gabriele, please, if you are on AltME (I 
am behind firewall and will be at home late in the evening), please 
remove that request from tracker then ...

Thanks a lot,
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