A new toy at REBOL.org


Library Data Services is a way to access the data at REBOL.org from any REBOL 
program, rather than having to use a web browser.

You could use that to download any scripts that have been added or changed 
since the last time you updated your local copy of the Library.

Or you could pull out of the Mailing List archive all messages from a 
particular poster.

Or you could write a little installer that grabs the latest versions of the 
scripts your application needs direct from the Script Library.

It's a read-only interface just now, so you can't use it to contribute new 
scripts. But that level of interaction is planned.

The documentation tells you more, but here's a little example that downloads 
all scripts added or updated in the last two weeks.

do %lds-local.r         ;; initialise the interface
changed-scripts-list: lds/send-server 'list-updated-scripts [14]  ;;14 = 14 

foreach script-name changed-scripts-list/data/script-list [
        print ["getting " script-name]
        changed-script: lds/send-server 'get-script reduce [script-name]
         write to-file script-name changed-script/data/script
print ["got " length? changed-scripts-list/data/script-list "script(s)"]

Please let me know any problems, or requests for features,

Have fun playing,
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