On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 09:36:10 -0900, Tim Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>   It is not just possible, but is probable, that a 'tipping point'
>   will be reached that will cause a sharp spike in increased linux
>   use. If there is not an 'open source' rebol, rebol will lose out.

Hi, I never undestand what the problem is? What's the problem with Rebol 
not being open-source? It doesn't cost hundred-of-thousands of $s to use. 
So if you are doing things that will create revenue, you can afford a 
license, if not use the free interpreter.

If we would talk about Oracle database systems here, I would agree to do 

But, all those open-source demagogues, if you can show-up with a 
business-model that let RT make some money from their work, I will be 
quite but otherwise it's just a techie POV with no business know-how 
behind it.

And, BTW: Those not caring about Rebol because not being open-source have 
a problem ;-)

>   Note: this is my opinion, and I don't wish to be involved in
>   or initiate an 'OS war'.

Well, why not? If someone can tell me a really benefit Rebol being 
open-source I might change my POV. Sorry, if this sound a bit harsh here, 
but only moaning without showing a solution is not that professional.

Robert M. Münch
Management & IT Freelancer
Mobile: +49 (177) 245 2802
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