Dixit Ingo Hohmann (23.51 18.02.2004):

>Hi Hallvard,
>I haven't seen this exact error before, but some that have been alike ... 
>my guess is that somehow s gets set somewhere else in [...]. Did you try to
>   protect 's
>directly after setting it? If you still get the same error, there must be 
>a bug in now/time/precise

Ah, you're right, of course! I didn't think that could be it, because the only thing I 
do in [...] is this:
  insert db ["ANALYZE TABLE reburls"] 
  insert db ["ANALYZE TABLE checklist"] 
(with DocKimbel's mysql protocol). Now with protect 's, here's what I get:
** Script Error: Word s is protected, cannot modify
** Where: read-columns-headers
** Near: parse/all/case read-packet port [
    read-field (col/table: field)
    read-field (col/name: field)
    read-nbytes (col/length: len)
    read-nbytes (col/type: decode/type len)
    read-field (
        col/flags: decode/flags to integer! field/1
        col/decimals: to integer! field/2

And here's 'read-field:
  read-field: [
    (null-flag: false)
    read-length s: (either null-flag [field: none]
      [field: sys-copy/part s len s: skip s len]) :s

I should have thought about this yesterday, when I was very puzzled to find out that 
the problem disappeared when I renamed 's to 'analyze!

Problem solved. Or at least given to someone else (Doc?). Thanks, Ingo.

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