> anti: func [f [any-function!] /local exec] [
>     exec: func [block] reduce ['not 'apply 'first reduce [:f] 'block]
>     func load mold third :f reduce [:exec first :f]
> ]

that's basically what encompass does including all refinements and their values.

you can even augment the argument list and refinements if you want additional features.

encompass.r in on the rebol.org site. and is alson included in the slim tool.

basically you'd do:

myfunc: func [obj word][either in obj word [true][false]]

anti-func: encompass/post 'myfunc [rval: not rval]

maybe I'm missing the point... as some theory about previous posts is escaping me a 
but for any boolean function, this definitely should work.



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