Re: This has to be a known text-list bug...
> Well okay. :)
> But does as-is do anything more useful than stop the first entry in a text-list 
> getting messed with?  And is there an as-not to cause them all to have spaces 
> extracted?
> In other words, why?
> -- Carl Read

The first line in the text-list init block is :
    if all [not flag-face? self as-is string? text] [trim/lines text]

and this cause the problem.

During the layout process, the 'text facet is always set on the first string (by the 
words/data func or the multi/texts func) ans so this line is trimed if 'as-is is not 

Anyway, this bug was referenced as #96 in View 1.3 bug list and will be solved;


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