* Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040322 11:46]:
> I just wanted to remember that people using [topic] tags in their
> subject lines have the benefit of having their stuff sorted in a clean
> and obvious list on rebol.org.
 Max: Give me an example, if you would. Or :-) let me guess..
 I just posted a message with subject: function?
 You would like to see it as subject: [function?]

 If I'm wrong, let me know, if not, then I've got it.

 Now, I'll take your idea just a step further. I've frequently
 seen subjects in which the topic changes (and sometimes more than
 once) IMHO, *change* the [topic] tag where appropriate.

 All adds to rebol resources.... 

> I wish more of us would continue putting [tags] on our subjects...
> http://www.rebol.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/rebol/ml-topic-index.r
> I guess many rebolers didn't even know(remember) about this usefull page.
 Some MLs send out periodic auto-messages with protocols, tips etc.

> its already usefull, but if the [topic] where more identified,
> especially on informative replies, then many more subjects would be
> grouped together...
> sorry for being anal about this  ;-)
 You're *not* being anal. I think you're *right on*
 "You can observe a lot by just watching." 
    - Yogi B.
> -MAx
> ---
> "You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution, but in the end, 
> being part of the problem is much more fun."
> -- 
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