Dixit [EMAIL PROTECTED] (01.29 23.03.2004):
>> Has anyone got a quick little function to get idates back into the date! 
>> datatype?
>No, but I have a quick hack:

Yes, of course. And then we can make this little enhancement to to-date:
to-date: func [value /idate][
    either idate [
        replace/all skip value 5 " " "/"
        load skip value 5
    ] [
        to date! :value ; original to-date

which gives us this (from console):
>> to-date to-idate now
** Script Error: Invalid argument: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 10:40:19 +0100
** Where: to-date
** Near: to date! :value
>> to-date/idate to-idate now
== 23-Mar-2004/10:40:28+1:00


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