On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 11:49:29 +0100, Maarten Koopmans 

>> I have lately seen that someone has uploaded a similar project on the
>> rebol.org library.
>> My code is far from being finished and, most of all, being in a neat 
>> form
>> to be made public.
>> Moreover, I am still working (quite slowly, I admit it) on the logging
>> feature that would allow me to create nice reports of all the info about
>> the requests sent to the Bot during time.
> I am afraid I am interested in the finished part, if it supports IMAP.

The fact is that the BOT is built so that the user can assign the commands 
he wants to the BOT in an external command list file. Probably a standard 
set of basic coomands can be provided (like those to access web pages). I 
really do not know how to deal with IMAP. But if someone here is able and 
interested, they could easily go write the command function for my BOT.

>> I would like to know if someone is interested in this project. I am 
>> quite
>> happy to send the code to anyone who would like to help me. The code is
>> OOP, that is the bot is a object with methods as is the logger. I would
>> like to add XML logging to it to be able to easily extract data later.
>> [small rant]
>> I am not a Rebol genius, though I have been using it (discontinued) for
>> some time now. There are still many things I have problems to 
>> understand,
>> mainly due to its "compactness" in the syntax, which I though it was a
>> thing the language wanted to avoid. See those neat examples in the 
>> library
>> to see what I mean. No doubts they are nice pieces of code that run 
>> well,
>> but they are quite ermetic (cryptic syntax)and often use some 
>> undocumented
>> parts of the language (like the use of internal ports, sub-ports, system
>> objects etc...) which make them quite "mysterious".
> It's a different problem, really. REBOL allows access to *all* of
> itself. So you get to see and manipulate *everything*. Some of us have
> gone down that road, exploring a lots of mechanisms that would be
> internal to other interpreters.
> What I am trying to say is that it is not reasonable to expect all parts
> of REBOL to be documented, simply because some parts are visible but
> essentially internal. The fact that some gurus have figured them out is
> a great accomplishment that results in nice libraries, but not something
> you should necessarily want to do yourself.
> It's one of the joys of having a fully accessible (reflexive) language.

I see. However this "self access" to the interpreter seems a boomerang 
thing, as it allows to make powerful scripts but also allows for "hacks" 
that are not that simple to understand. IMHO at long people get 
discouraged by what they can obtain from the standard "feature" vs those 
that can be accomplished by the "hacked" ones. You see, Rebol has nothing 
natively that can provide access to any DB or XML, so it seems to be quite 
a self contained/isolated world.
People have somewhat resolved this problems, but I see that using complex 
3rd part scripts to access a DB is somewhat a drawback with respect having 
it natively integrated/supported.
The same goes for XML parsing and building features.

>> Last a request, which may have already been asked, but I have not seen 
>> it.
>> Is it not possible to make the interpreter load binary code so that one
>> can "convert" the source code to it and have the interpreter load it not
>> in ASCII form? So, even though the reverse engineering of the binary 
>> could
>> be done, only the basic instructions are there and not the entire clear
>> source code. This way the users could create "embedded" applications
>> without having to mess with packages and source code distribution.
> Do you know the SDK and the ecnap tools that come with it? Or isn't this
> what you want.

No, I was speaking about the free Core version, which is the tools I have 
been using since the beginning. I have not real use of View or Windows 
only dll access features.


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