Hi all,

While continuing my work about forthcoming REBOL tutorial for youngsters, I planned 
some helper function to help them express maths
expression using the normal infix and precedence rules - like most calculators do. May 
be this will not even be included at all with
the tutorial but it was a good excuse for me to investigate how I could learn more 
about the parse word to create some translation

This worked for the most part and I went into some real knowledge that I will share 
here soon and post the final products to the
official library to accompany other scripts found there about calculators and related 

The only real question left came to me when I tried to call my calc with some real but 
not well formed expressions using a block
instead of a string like in the following :

>> to-string [9 / 5 * 100 + 32]                 ; Here is the well formed version of 
>> my test expression
== "9/5*100+32"

>> to-string [9/5 * 100 + 32]                    ; Here is the ill-formed version of 
>> the same expression
** Syntax Error: Invalid date -- 9/5
** Near: (line 1) to-string [9/5 * 100 + 32]

Finally my question is : Can REBOL be told to not evaluate each element of the block 
contents I submit him when calling my function
but simply  replaces the end delimiters [ ] for the appropriately ones " " ?

I would simply find more natural to let the user enter the conventional brackets [ ] 
delimiters around the maths expression to
evaluate than remember to use the quotes " ". May be I could even afford for letting 
the operator to use anyone of them if he
desires to do so.

In fact when using the quotes as delimiters I can afford the user to write his 
expressions without having to insert spaces
everywhere since I control the expression parsing myself and this is what motivated me 
in the first case to use the [ ] delimiters

Don't forget that this is not  to replace the conventional expression parser as found 
in REBOL but to help younger people to start
learning without having to bother themselves with not standard maths expressions.


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